Tui Na: An Integrative Approach
Tui Na is the manual therapy branch of Chinese Medicine which has been practiced in China for over 4000 years. Using the same theory and system as Acupuncture, Tui Na can be used for most conditions that would be treated using needles.
In the west, Tui Na is commonly used to treat the signs and symptoms of a wide variety of musculoskeletal, respiratory, digestive and gynecological conditions.
Tui Na can also be used to assist in the signs and symptoms of many stress conditions such as anxiety and depression. Unlike other forms of bodywork, no oils are used; Tui Na is performed through clothes, a sheet, or a towel.
Tui Na bridges a gap between East and West; it utilizes the energetics of Chinese Medicine while addressing the physical aspects of the body. All of the books we have read written by westerners on the topic, propose to be too Chinese. All of the Chinese books on the topic, detour western thought.
This is a book from the perspective of two western practitioners exploring that gap
A complete guide for learning Tui Na
Comprehensive treatment section covering body regions and systems
Supplementary methods for physical, and emotional components
This book also takes a road less travelled and discussed in practice, that of emotional conditions – how the body stores trauma and a possible way to address them.
The book is divided into four main sections
Basic theory of Chinese Medicine
Tui Na: Learning the manual techniques
Treatments, which have been divided into various body regions or systems
Supplementary methods that we have found to be clinically effective
Who is this book for?
Students of any massage style, or existing practitioners of Chinese Medicine looking to incorporate Tui Na to enhance their clinical results. This book is ideal for any student learning Tui Na, through to more experienced practitioners.
What you will learn
This book covers the theory of Chinese Medicine, the techniques of Tui Na with clear descriptions and photographs, a comprehensive set of treatments ready for use in clinic, and supplementary methods that we have found clinically effective.
If you are new to Chinese Medicine, interested in, already practice Tui Na or other manual therapies, this is a complete guide to understanding Chinese Medicine theory through to using your hands to help people. If you already practice another branch of Chinese Medicine, this book will expand your clinical tools.
With increasing health issues presenting themselves to modern society, perhaps there is a solution to some of the problems within a timeworn manual therapy that is highly effective, clinically pragmatic, non-invasive and cost-effective.